Research &

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For innovation

Innovation Department we are constantly working on the research and development of new technologies that allow us to remain at the forefront in the field of biometric identity verification. This process requires a great constant updating effort and knowledge of the most advanced techniques able to respond to our customer needs.

These are some of our main lines of work:

Artificial vision: object detection, image classification, fraud analysis… everything that allows us to be able to simplify and make identity verification processes as secure and convenient as possible.
Machine learning: we research and implement the latest deep learning trends in our products, applying the State of the Art of a cutting-edge technology to the field of biometric recognition.
Anti-theft identity technologies: we develop algorithms that allow us to offer a high degree of reliability in the identity verification processes, being able to detect if the client or user is really who they say they are through the analysis of their signature, fingerprint, voice, face…
Liveness detection: we innovate in technologies that allow us to securely determine if there is really a person behind the screen, avoiding automated attacks. This type of algorithm is especially interesting during unattended digital onboarding processes, where there is no direct supervision of a human at the time of registration.
Security and encryption: taking into account the growing social and regulatory demand for responsible handling of personal data, we go one step further by providing our solutions with the highest level of security, researching encryption algorithms, digital water marking and anonymisation.


Projects funded


TENDERS: Digital Innovation Projects

ACRM NET SRL is an IT Service Company focused on the development of mobile solutions oriented to the creation and dissemination of platforms aimed at sharing content and services. The project falls within the scope of CYBER-SECURITY, it concerns the adoption of technologies, using biometric data, applied to certify digital identity, it envisages two areas of activity

development of a digital communication system with biometric content protection;
certification of digital identity in a PA crime management system.
The realisation of the project will allow the company to expand its target market in different areas, such as: safe digital information exchange, secure payments, identity access based on biometry, digital identity certification in the area of crime reporting for PA and Public companies.

PROJECT AMOUNT: 117,928.75 Euro.
SUBSIDY: 52,902.90 Euro
ERDF European Regional Development Fund

ERDF European Regional Development Fund

Lazio Regional Operational Programme

Programming period 2014-2020



Grants to support the digitisation processes of enterprises in Lazio

Project: Digital Assessment
The project supports the purchase of a Digital Assessment, a customised analysis
customised analysis of the maturity levels of the company in terms of the
digitisation of processes and products, which includes a mapping
of ICT technologies used to support business processes, possible
improvement interventions, an estimate of the time and cost of each intervention and
the possible methods of financing.
Results achieved:
The realisation of the project made it possible to assess the digital needs
needs of the company and to analyse in detail the strategic choices with a view to

Project amount: 21,600 Euro
Grant: 15,000 Euro
CUP: F81B21009240008